Lagonda Aura - TAD Thesis Project

In the fast world of 2050, where space crunch and lack of time and privacy are prevalent, the important people need a mode of transport where they can relax and work and socialize in private. The very essence of this project is to provide a solution to those important people living in the technologically advanced megalopolises, people who socially and financially contribute to the development of the city.

The solution to this very need leads to the birth of a vehicle that redefines luxury on the belief that true luxury is deeply personal. This vehicle that promotes this new subtle luxury is a means of travel for those who want to be distinguished and have a positive social image, for people who would prefer a deviation from both the traditional and sporty way of luxury travel.

So welcome to the new generation of luxury travel. Welcome to AURA.
Lagonda Aura - TAD Thesis Project

Lagonda Aura - TAD Thesis Project

A vehicle that redefines luxury on the belief that true luxury is deeply personal. A car for people who want a new subtle and technologic luxury Read More
